In May of 2022, we managed to get enough documentation of fraud for Sheriff Bianco that he opened an investigation into election fraud in the Riverside County elections (Most RivCo citizens are unaware of this). After presenting him with more evidence, including deceased, double, and triple voters, he assured us that he has two investigators focused on this ‘very active’ case:

# [L201570032]

Our Sheriff (Chad Bianco) has the power to make things right! Watch the movie below to learn why.

  • When we were gathering signatures on our petitions to get rid of the Dominion Machines... We ran into Sheriff Bianco, who quickly grabbed our clipboard and signed! Sheriff Bianco has asked each supervisor board member directly to remove the machines. They simply laughed and said…

    “No way! We just spent $23 million on those machines!”

  • We are currently preparing Declarations for the Riverside County Board of Supervisors. Details are coming VERY soon!



Click here for Truth Social

* Click here for Truth Social

After being banned on most community and social media platforms, WE have landed here! The ‘left’ wants you to believe that you are alone. I can assure you that you are not. This site is your proof! It’s time to connect with your neighbors and share ideas about how WE can take our communities back. The first tangible things that are within our control are CONNECTING with one another and LIVING LOCALLY.